Evidence for Rainfall-Triggered Earthquake Activity

Source: Fluids are known to be of major importance for the earthquake generation because pore pressure variations alter the strength of faults. Thus they can initiate earthquakes if the crust is close enough to its critical state. Based on the observations of the isolated seismicity below the densely monitored Mt. [...]

By |2013-08-09T19:15:26+02:00August 9, 2013|Categories: Extreme Weather, Geosphere|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Earth Under Water Worldwide Flooding Global Warming

Miami, New Orleans and New York City completely under water it's a very real possibility if sea levels continue to rise.

US Midwest – Jet Stream delivers Dangerous Flash Floods – “A Water World” (August 2013)

Mangled Jet Stream Delivers Four Months Worth of Rain in One Week to Missouri; Central, Eastern US to Remain Under Severe Flood Threat.

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