Flash Flooding, Hurricane Force Gusts in Mexico – July 2013
Heavy downpours cause flooding in Scotland
Heavy downpours cause flooding in Scotland
Heat capacity, and temperature explained.
Research scientists provide insights on recent 'unprecedented' melting of Greenland's interior ice sheet.
As the world continues to add close to 80 million people each year, high population growth is running up against the limits of our finite planet, threatening global economic and political stability.
Current concentrations stand at 400 parts per million, and are rising faster than at any time in Earth's history.
Watch this video of Antarctica's bedrock
We find 1133 ice caps and 1619 mountain glaciers covering a total of 132867 +- 6643km2.
The Antarctic continent is underlain by subglacial lakes.
Glacier hydrology is the study of the flow of water through glaciers.
There is always heated debate about global warming, but until there is proof it doesn't exist, shouldn't we be looking for solutions?
Enables crops to take nitrogen from the air reducing the use of expensive and environmentally damaging fertilizers.
A collection of science around subglacial glacier's, cavities and about water pressure/water flow.