Antarctica and Paris Goals: Risks of Massive Sea-level Rise
Research that shows the danger of massive, potentially irreversible, global sea-level rise within the next couple of centuries should temperatures overshoot 2°C.
Speaker: Rob DeConto, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Perhaps most sobering, this loss may become rapid and permanent, with no halt in ice loss even should CO2 concentrations return to pre-industrial levels; and rates approaching 5 cm/year by 2150, and 10 meters of sea-level rise by 2300 should today’s emissions levels continue. IPCC scientists provide a clear-eyed look at risks from Antarctica, and implications for the Paris Agreement temperature goals. SIDS and future generations. Organized by the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
Interesting remarks by modeler Rob DeConto about the limits they put on their Antarctic ice sheet/ice shelf models and the the possible underestimate of the potential rate of Antarctic glacier retreat…
— Friso Heidinga (@FrisoHeidinga) December 19, 2021