Jim Anderson: Feedbacks that Set the Time Scale for Irreversible Change
Coupled Feedbacks in the Climate Structure That Set the Time Scale for Irreversible Change: Arctic Isotopes to Stratospheric Radicals.
Coupled Feedbacks in the Climate Structure That Set the Time Scale for Irreversible Change: Arctic Isotopes to Stratospheric Radicals.
What happens in climate pollution does affect a global scale. [...]
A brief outline of CO2 emissions, based on global trends, with a focus on China.
Robert Costanza, speaks about planetary boundaries and ecological economy at the Club of Rome.
Johan Rockström (Stockholm Resilience Centre), talks about planetary boundaries and tipping points, "Living in the Anthropocene".
The talk, Climate, Complexity, Conversion briefly discusses the 2018 landmark study, Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene.
Ugo Bardi, speaks at the 50th Anniversary Summit of the Club of Rome, October 2018.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKmvLvqUuBg 2018 Interview von Tilo Jung mit Fefe Fefe's blog [...]
Chaos Computer Congress 2018 / 35C3, How data scientists can help to avoid a sixth global extinction.