Climate Scientist wants to invent Time Machine – Transmission 2049

Published On: February 12, 2018

'Climate Scientist wants to invent Time Machine, Transmission 2049', a short film by Climate State.

‘Climate Scientist wants to invent Time Machine, Transmission 2049’, a short film by Climate State. Will our future be apocalyptic? What if you could turn back time? What if our actions today make the difference?

Log 7/23/49. After the recent torrential rains I went back to the beach. Boat still there, calm winds, a beautiful evening.

Earlier the recovered drone provided spectacular aerial views, flying around this big island, at high altitude.

Still no signs of other humans in this area.

Log 8/12/49. Decided to sail again further up North the coast. Found an abandon ship, lots of supplies. Weather steady, but high humidity, and lots of mosquitos. Blood suckers! Stay mostly in my tent to avoid getting bitten. Decided to return to my old fishing and farming spot in preparation for the coming winter months.

Log 9/5/49. The heat is almost unbearable, can only work early, or in the afternoon. Sparky and me went for a hunt a bit farther inland, but no success. We came what appeared to be a pillaged survival bunker. The scene was a mess.

Log 9/7/49. After the brutal heat of the last days, suddenly thunder and its pouring on and off. Preparation to leave again, have a bad feeling about this place, saw lights last night and heared gunshots.

Log 10/3/49. Arrived at my winter destination, a small island close to the mainland with some buildings still intact. On my way I met another boat with a family, nice and honest people but they went to south. Going to test an old broadcast radio, just have to repair the antenna.

Music by The Piano Man and

Teaser image photo by bruce mars on
Video footage via
Sound effects
ISS Time-lapse Photography by NASA Johnson

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About the Author: Climate State
Climate State
Climate State covers the broad spectrum of climate change, and the solutions, since 2011 with the focus on the sciences. Climate State – we endorse data, facts, empirical evidence.
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