ClimateState, The Week #28 in Review
Published On: July 13, 2014
Missed an item this week? Review the news and posts covered by Climate State during the week 28, 2014.
July 7, 2014
- Bad news about rising sea levels as quickening Antarctic winds lead to faster ice melt
- New mechanism uncovered, causing potentially rapid Antarctic Glacier melt
- Rose-colored glasses: Antarctic sea ice is the Mail on Sunday’s latest global warming distraction
- Wikipedia: Antarctic sea ice
- South Asia slow to act on water threats
- Will Super Typhoon Neoguri Threaten Japan’s Nuclear Plants?
- Floating nuclear plants: Is the future of nuclear offshore?
- The Chilling Reality of the Climate Challenge
- Factcheck: What’s the significance of a record high in Antarctic sea ice?
- How ‘Ionic Liquids’ Could Keep Factories from Belching Carbon Dioxide
- The Incredible Thing About Whale Poop Is That It Fights Climate Change
- We Are Making Ebola Outbreaks Worse by Cutting Down Forests
- Study reveals strong links between Antarctic climate, food web
- IBM to work to curb China pollution
- Study: Over 40% Of Climate Costs Due To US And EU
- Major Historic Eruptions Cooled Earth Less Than Thought
- Energy efficiency targets: what are they good for?
- Canada Struggles with Melting Permafrost as Climate Warms
- New type of soot particle discovered from wildfire emissions
- Greenland melt may have pushed sea level six meters higher in the past
- Lake Mead, Nation’s Largest Reservoir, To Reach Record Low This Week
- Super Typhoon Neoguri: 5 Stormy Facts
- Climate Change Gets Up Close and Personal
- Former Vice President Al Gore Headlines Sustainability Conference
- Super Typhoon Neoguri Lashing Okinawa, Headed for Japan
- Siemens, Wave Hub, and Minesto winners in latest wave and tidal leasing round
- Tony Abbott’s government is ‘recklessly endangering’ the future on climate, says UK chief
- Amazon rainforest grew after climate change 2,000 years ago: study
July 8, 2014
- Picking Lesser of Two Climate Evils
- New Report Outlines ‘Pathways’ to Cut CO2 Emissions
- Why is Antarctic sea ice expanding?
- Study links oilsands pollution to higher cancer rates
- Satellites reveal possible catastrophic flooding months in advance, UCI finds
- Exclusive: Environment Secretary turned down offer of a briefing on climate change from the Met Office
- World’s Poorest Nations Seek Presence in Post-2015 Agenda
- Do You Live in the Blast Zone of an Exploding Oil Train?
- Record levels of solar ultraviolet measured in South America
- Logging and burning cause the loss of 54 million tons of carbon a year in Amazonia
- Great Lakes welcome rising water levels
- Australia facing ‘unprecedented rise in climate denial’
- Singapore outlines plans to fine foreign air polluters
- French Foreign Minister launches attack against fossil fuels
- US and China set for latest climate change discussions
- How much water and air sustains the Earth?
- Chevron Admits The Truth: Oil Shale Will Use Huge Amounts Of Western Water
- Please Feed The Animals: Drought Forces Kenya’s National Parks To Feed Wildlife
- One Year Later, Site Of Lac-Mégantic Oil Train Crash ‘Still Very Much One Of Horror’
- Bay Area governments make big electric-vehicle buy
- Cracks emerge in Europe’s fracking future as Germany proposes seven-year ban
- Climate science denier group must pay damages for frivolous lawsuit against UVA, scientist
- Facebook: ClimateState Deutschland
- Carbon clean-up needs energy revolution, leaders told
- England ‘exposed’ to climate risks
- Deutsche Bank lends $US1 billion in Japan’s solar gold rush
July 9, 2014
- Renewable Energy Provided One-Third Of Germany’s Power In The First Half Of 2014
- Climate scientists tell us why it’s “utterly, utterly normal” to have a paper rejected
- Fabien Cousteau Uses Adventure to Reveal ‘Alarming’ Deep-Sea Discoveries
- Unprecedented UV Storms Are a Possible Climate Change Future
- Swimming, climbing robots explore the hostile Arctic
- Neoguri super-typhoon in Japan is El Niño harbinger
- Environment and Civilisation, Anuta vs Easter Island
- Study: Antarctic Winds Create New Sea Level Threat
- NASA Creates Global Maps Of Soil Moisture
- UN presents ‘shopping list’ for 2015 climate deal
- Climate change: Tropical species are most vulnerable to rising temperatures
- Polar bears from space: Satellite imagery a promising tool to monitor arctic polar bears
- Who wins, who loses if the carbon tax goes?
- Heat Waves Could Triple Premature Deaths In Britain By 2050
- Oxnard cites sea level rise in fight against coastal power plant
- What the fossil fuel industry thinks of the ‘carbon bubble’
- Elon Musk CNBC Interview About Being a Disruptor
- Critics refute assets claim by ‘Orwellian’ Shell
- Chinese manufacturer renews two-bladed wind turbine design
- Enjoy your coffee – you may soon not be able to afford it
- Poland threat to EU 2030 climate ambition – Davey
- By 2100, New York Will Be as Hot as Southwest Florida
- Shipping Firms to Add Arctic LNG Route
July 10, 2014
- Australia’s epic scheme to farm its northern wilds
- Rossby waves and surface weather extremes
- What’s the Mystery Behind West Antarctica’s Disappearing Ice?
- 207 cities identify climate change risks
- Abbott blow as Senate votes to delay carbon tax axe
- Three meetings, five days: global climate diplomacy push kicks off
- Modi pledges new money for climate action in first budget
- Climate change may bring more kidney stones
- Gravity satellites could provide warning months ahead of floods
- Parents Blast Climate Denial In Schools: ‘You Have To Teach Real Science’
- Watch How Solar Power Is Transforming Rural India
- Science Is Golden: ‘Cosmos’, ‘Years Of Living Dangerously’ Garner Multiple Emmy Nominations
- No False Choices: To Preserve A Livable Climate, We Need To Slash Both CO2 And Methane ASAP
- Weirdest Things Found in Glaciers, Ice
- Loss of Snowpack and Glaciers In Rockies Poses Water Threat
- Climate change solution: Scrap subsidies, fund innovation
- Circular economy: Just a load of rubbish?
- Cities and businesses prepare for the threat climate change poses to water
- El Niño Triggers Drought, Food Crisis in Nicaragua
- Recent Monthly Average Mauna Loa CO2
- THE WISDOM TO SURVIVE: Climate Change, Capitalism & Community—Trailer
July 11, 2014
- Miami, the great world city, is drowning while the powers that be look away
- Photos From Fires In The Northwest Territories Are Apocalyptic
- Cold Snap in July: Will the Real Polar Vortex Please Stand Up?
- Parched Texas Town Turns to Treated Sewage as Emergency Drinking Water Source
- Precipitation, not warming temperatures, may be key in bird adaptation to climate change
- Coastal flooding has surged along US east coast: Reuters study
- Group Representing Half A Billion Christians Says It Will No Longer Support Fossil Fuels
- ‘Surreal’ 40-Minute Storm Drowns Minor League Baseball Field
- Community seed banks in Ethiopia tackle climate-induced food crisis
- Poor water management is leaving South Asia vulnerable to climate change
- Poll: Voters prefer pro-wind farm MPs
- NOMADD robots clean Saudi solar panels without using a drop of water
- Why Isn’t Smog-Gobbling Concrete More Popular?
- Smoke from Canada Moves South
July 12, 2014
- Why the next climate treaty is vital for my country to survive
- KMMS AM Interview with David Titley
- Time history of atmospheric carbon dioxide (2013 data)
July 13, 2014
- Jimmy Stewart on Solar Energy: 1938
- London, B’ham, Leeds will not get clean air until after 2030
- The invention of solar power, explained 1954
- Changing the dialogue on energy and climate
- Climate Change explained 1958, The Bell Telephone Science Hour
- The state of Antarctic glacier melting
- Rupert Murdoch: How to react to climate change? (2014)
- Oil and gas wells are leaking greenhouse gas
- Ice Cores what they reveal and how deniers distort the data
- Southern Australia faces water crisis by end of century due to climate change
Tags: 2014, Global Warming, News, The Week in Review(2023)
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About the Author: Chris Machens
Chris covers the climate since 2011, and when not posting articles to the site he usually works on our next video production.
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