Global warming is happening, and humans are to blame
Virtually all of the scientific papers published in 2013 accept climate change.
By Lindsay Abrams (Salon): As geochemist James Lawrence Powell continues to prove, the only people still debating whether or not climate change is “real,” and caused by human activity, are the ones who aren’t doing the actual research. In an update to his ongoing project of reviewing the literature on global warming, Powell went through every scientific study published in a peer-review journal during the calendar year 2013, finding 10,855 in total (more on his methodology here). Of those, a mere two rejected anthropogenic global warming. The consensus, as he defines it, looks like this:
Very few of the most vocal global warming deniers, those who write op-eds and blogs and testify to congressional committees, have ever written a peer-reviewed article in which they say explicitly that anthropogenic global warming is false. Why? Because then they would have to provide the evidence and, evidently, they don’t have it.
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[…] Geochemist James Lawrence Powell analyzed 10,855 relevant science studies from 2013 and only two divert from the consensus view on anthropogenic climate change. […]
[…] Geochemiker James Lawrence Powell analisierte 10,855 relevante Studien aus dem Jahr 2013 and stellte fest das zwei Studien nicht dem Konsens entsprachen, dass sich das […]