Environmental Film Pollution Below (1975)
Pollution Below presents stories of three widely separated people who are caught up in situations caused by unexpected pollution.
Pollution Below presents stories of three widely separated people who are caught up in situations caused by unexpected pollution.
Source https://archive.org/details/pollution_below
Industries like steel mills emit particles that act as ice-forming nuclei (a particle which acts as the nucleus for the formation of an ice crystal) into the atmosphere. These may encourage snowstorms. The southern Great Lakes region is one of the world’s leading centers for manufacturing iron and steel. http://www.miseagrant.umich.edu/lessons/lessons/by-broad-concept/earth-science/lake-effect-snow
Skylab was the United States’ first and only space station, orbiting Earth from 1973 to 1979 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skylab