Dan Lunt: Past, Future and Fantasy Climate Change
To curiosity-driven scientist Dan Lunt, understanding the past climate of our Earth (from the scorching greenhouse of the mid-Cretaceous, to the frozen wastes of the last ice age) is of fundamental interest.

From the mid-Cretaceous to Middle Earth by the Cabot Institute’s Professor Dan Lunt. As a curiosity-driven scientist, understanding the past climate of our Earth (from the scorching greenhouse of the mid-Cretaceous, to the frozen wastes of the last ice age) is of fundamental interest. However, to what extent can such understanding improve our predictions of future climate change? And what can we learn about climate from the Lord of the Rings?!
This event was organised by the Public and Ceremonial Events Office at the University of Bristol.
Release via http://www.bristol.ac.uk/cabot/events/2015/past-future-fantasy.html
About the Author: Chris Machens

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