Gavin Schmidt (NASA) explains the climate change problem and solution

Published On: April 24, 2015
278 words
Views: 888

The Vancouver Sun interviewed Gavin Schmidt (April 17 2015, by Gerry Bellett)

Q: So if we could make one smart decision what should it be?

A: We have to have a price on carbon because right now it’s still free to put carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. So if you put a price on carbon that is commensurate with the damage that carbon-dioxide emissions cause, then people will be smarter. They will say: ‘Well, I can spend that money and damage the planet or I can spend less money and buy an electric car that’s fed by hydro. Vancouver is trying to be a real leader in switching to carbon-neutral energy sources and moving away from oil for transportation. All those things are very positive and the B.C. carbon tax is one of the most progressive and far-reaching ideas — even though in practice it hasn’t made a huge difference yet.

Q: What is the future for waterfront cities like Vancouver?

A: You are going to have to put up with rising sea levels; they are not going to go down. But there’s a huge difference between a foot or two over 100 years and a metre or two metres. There’s a lot of waterfront development going on but is it sea-level-rise smart? I don’t know that it is. So don’t put stuff in the basement, have all your electrical equipment on the second floor or on the roof.

Read the full interview, (Global warming is here to stay, says NASA scientist)

© Pacific Newspaper Group. Posted with permission.

About the Author: Chris Machens

Chris Machens
Chris covers the broad spectrum of climate change, and the solutions, with the focus on the sciences. Climate State – we endorse data, facts, empirical evidence.
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