Climate, Jetstream and Polar Vortex

Published On: January 8, 2014
40 words
Views: 931

Blanket 24/7 media coverage of the short but frigid ‘Polar Vortex’ temperatures — climate change?

Global warming? — provides a cornucopia of material for this month’s ‘This is Not Cool’ video.



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About the Author: CLIMATE STATE

Climate State covers the broad spectrum of climate change, and the solutions, with the focus on the sciences. Climate State – we endorse data, facts, empirical evidence.
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    January 7, 2014 7:47 PM

    The 4x and 10x bits were a bit in your face. Maybe some nice floating text
    would work better.

    C Nexus NY
    C Nexus NY
    January 7, 2014 8:00 PM

    Very interesting interviews and discussion. +yaleclimateforum It seems some
    of the audio is slightly out of sync, at least in the first few minutes.

    STS Productions
    STS Productions
    January 7, 2014 8:02 PM
    Rand Huso
    Rand Huso
    January 7, 2014 8:59 PM

    The statistically-continuous polar front wave number changes with changing
    temperature gradient and should statistically set itself aligned with the
    Rocky and Himalayan mountains. Interesting to watch this change over the

    January 7, 2014 10:11 PM

    yep. and then some. Me hand over mouth speechless, ??? PGRE going to upload
    ah what’s the point. later :( bug

    Brenda Black
    Brenda Black
    January 8, 2014 12:29 AM

    Thank you for you time in making this. The public need this information and
    some Republicans.

    Mike Taylor
    Mike Taylor
    January 8, 2014 1:01 AM

    This is not cool: Polar Vortex

    January 8, 2014 1:12 AM

    Very distracting editing :/

    Mahram Z. Foadi
    Mahram Z. Foadi
    January 8, 2014 3:34 AM

    This is not cool: Polar Vortex

    January 8, 2014 5:06 AM

    Awesome video production, thanks!

    Plato Plubius
    Plato Plubius
    January 8, 2014 6:18 AM

    Dr. Mann is a SHAM! Oh have the brain dead masses have so quickly
    forgotten about Climategate IPCC fraud, I mean “consensus”…..laughable!
    Taking a serious situation and attempting to profit from it while handing
    over more control to the oligarchs of the corporate system we currently
    live in hardly seems like a logical approach to “Saving the Environment.”

    Toni Palmén
    Toni Palmén
    January 8, 2014 10:33 AM

    Just something that everyone should watch.

    January 8, 2014 11:06 AM

    Thanks to “yaleclimateforum” for this.

    Kimmo Jaskari
    Kimmo Jaskari
    January 8, 2014 11:49 AM

    Just something that everyone should watch.

    January 8, 2014 1:17 PM

    The ‘Polar Vortex’ and the “Arctic Paradox” :- The current extreme cold weather in the USA & Canada, nor the current drought in California, or the massive UK France flooding with 8 mtr / 25 feet high ocean waves hitting the coast there, nor the earlier Christmas snow storms there, would be a surprise to those who had seen these videos on Climate State in mid-2013 or since.

    Have a good look at this video Published on Jun 3, 2013: “New video couples interviews with two experts — Rutgers’ Jennifer Francis and Weather Underground’s Jeff Masters — to explore the ‘Why?’ of two years of mirror images of weather across North America.”

    “The ** Arctic Paradox ** was coined during recent winters when speculations arose that the dramatic changes in the Arctic may be linked to severe snowstorms and cold temperatures in mid-latitudes, particularly along the U.S. east coast and in Europe.”
    by Peter Sinclair @ Yale Climate Forum as ‘Climate, Ice, and Weather Whiplash’
    aka ‘Arctic Amplification & Extreme Weather’ @ Climate State

    Other advanced cautions published with supporting scientific rigor in 2013 include:

    Extreme Weather Category Videos & News

    Keep yourself up to date on the State of the Climate @ Climate State!
    Bringing together in one place the best audio visual Climate Science analysis, news, and commentary available today.
    Please Share, Like, Repost, and Recommend Climate State to your friends, coworkers and family. They will thank you for it.

    Lawrence Butts
    Lawrence Butts
    January 8, 2014 1:34 PM

    Just something that everyone should watch.

    Takver Takvera
    Takver Takvera
    January 8, 2014 3:35 PM

    Latest video from Peter Sinclair and Yale Climate Forum
    Climate, Jetstream and Polar Vortex

    robert yeahright
    robert yeahright
    January 8, 2014 6:37 PM

    Oh no global warming ! What are we gonna do ? The only solution is a new
    world order and Agenda 21, what joke this video is. Haarp and our
    government couldn’t possibly be behind this faked global warming, cause
    some jack ass from Stanford said so. I’m guessing someone from Stanford
    just got a promotion recently. Come get your PROPAGANDA here !

    nomosushi nomo
    nomosushi nomo
    January 9, 2014 1:21 AM

    ya know what I dont buy is the b.s. anyone tied to Al Gore tries to shove
    down my throat about climate change. its cow farts right…or maybe 3000
    plus nuke detonations and the heavy metals that land in the glaciers I
    believe its the later the climate IS jacked and some of us know why

    January 9, 2014 1:23 AM

    Extreme Weather summary posted by Prokaryotes on July 7, 2013
    “If you didn’t think anything was going on, well guess again! Hail storms, floods, earthquakes, huge tsunami like waves and more has taking place the past week or so June & July 2013.
    Feel free to download and share. Thanks for watching here, and stay safe.”

    NSW Australia, triple the average June Rainfall poured down in only 3 days
    Record June rainfall in Philadelphia USA was 10.11 inches = 256 millimeters
    Death Valley was 130 degree Fahrenheit – world record is 134 = 56.7 degree Celsius
    Florida 20 inches of rain in less than a day = 508 millimeter, or half a meter!
    230,000 residents evacuated in China due to flooding 1st July 2013

    WMO Reports Most extreme weather decade in History – 2001 to 2010 Warmest on Record – Wettest since 1901 – Floods were the most common extreme weather event

    MUST SEE 2013 VIDEO SUMMARY 18:39 minutes

    SOC – Epic Extreme Events Of Earth 2013 Review Mass Media Reports
    Published on Jan 5, 2014

    Warning: This video may be too intense and dramatic for some viewers to handle. Viewer discretion is advised!

    Extreme weather events for 2013 here on this video. 2013 was one of the more extreme years on record with the biggest storms, the biggest tornadoes, the most fireballs, the biggest floods and the list goes on and on ….

    Thank you all for sharing events and thanks for watching all throughout 2013. I don’t want to know what we’re in for in 2014 if the trend of these extremes continues.

    *This series does not mean the world is ending! These are documentaries of series of extreme weather events that are leading to bigger earth changes. If you are following the series, then you’re seeing the signs.

    Hawkkey Davis Channel – SOC Signs of Change are Everywhere

    John LightRider
    John LightRider
    January 9, 2014 1:37 AM


    January 9, 2014 2:56 AM

    You know that Ice block in your Whiskey, well, you know how it melts…..
    *Yeah* well, its gets hot after that……

    January 9, 2014 3:04 AM

    BUSHFIRES AUSTRALIA 2013 – (I will make a compilation of highlights from these videos asap to replace this comment)

    January 5 2013 7News : Weekend Bushfires South Australia, Tasmania, NSW

    Jan 5, 2013 Firefighters battle Tasmania wildfires – Bushfires have forced thousands of people to flee their homes in the southern island state of Tasmania.

    Jan 5, 2013 7News : Tasmania devastated by bushfires – At least 90 homes have been destroyed during the Tasmanian bushfires, fears of one death, and a further threat to life and property.

    Jan 14, 2013 Australian Bushfires in photos

    Australian Spring Bushfires
    Australia Bushfire 2013: NASA Aqua satellite show the scale of the bushfires around Sydney

    Sep 10, 2013 An investigation is underway into the cause of yesterday’s bush fires in Sydney’s western suburbs and Blue Mountains. A bushfire emergency was declared in a number of areas across NSW, these included Marsden Park, the Hawkesbury, Londonderry and Winmalee.

    Oct 13, 2013 Australian heatwave sparks fires in Sydney – Emergency crews battle fires across the Australian state of New South Wales, amid high temperatures and strong winds.

    16-10-2013 Australia NSW bushfire

    October 17th 2013 Springwood Fires – raw footage

    Oct 17, 2013 Sunrise : Large fires burning in NSW

    Oct 18, 2013 Today Tonight : NSW bushfire crisis

    Oct 18, 2013 ITN Australia bushfires: Firefighters face 30m high flames in Lake Macquarie

    WINMALEE FIRE 075 17/10/2013
    FIRE AT WINMALEE 17/10/13 NO 2
    Winmalee bushfire – the day after raw footage

    Oct 20, 2013 7News : UNPARALLELED Emergency – 30 Day State of Emergency has been declared in NSW with the state experiencing its worst bushfire crisis in 45 years. 200,000 Hectares already destroyed by Fire. &

    Oct 21, 2013 7News : ‘Never seen anything like it’ in Blackheath Mt Victoria – Captain Jim Crowther has been a volunteer firie in the mountains for exactly 50 years – he has never seen anything like this before.

    Oct 21, 2013 CNN Fires in Australia could head toward Sydney

    Oct 21, 2013 CNN Terrifying fire conditions in Australia

    Oct 21, 2013 Threat Of ‘Mega Fire’ : Volunteer RFS firefighter speaks about current danger – As New South Wales faces the threat of a “mega-fire” a volunteer firefighter talks movingly of the fear and camaraderie he’s seen.

    Oct 22, 2013 CNN Winds and temperatures picking up

    3 November 2013 Firefighters raced to contain a raging bush fire in Australia on Sunday as authorities issued an emergency warning for people to leave the area.

    Nov 8, 2013 A bushfire at Kemps Creek, west of Sydney

    Nov 8, 2013 – Firefighters battle bushfires threatening homes in north-west Sydney

    January 9, 2014 4:19 AM
    Reply to  Santimvah

    Thanks for the extended information Samtimvah! Btw. there is currently a problem with the comments, which have been fixed for now. You can comment now again with your site account. Cheers.

    James Griffin
    James Griffin
    January 12, 2014 4:32 AM

    Great video; I found the flashing percentage numbers annoying to look at
    but otherwise excellent vid and information.

    January 12, 2014 7:17 PM

    While the content is good, there’s a little bit too much stimulation in
    places (especially “10x! 10x! 10x!”). Be careful with making the editing
    distracting instead of enhancing.


    […] Yale: Climate, Jetstream and Polar Vortex […]

    IThinkWithMy Liver
    IThinkWithMy Liver
    February 8, 2014 12:18 AM

    3 antiAmerican turds thumbed this video down.

    February 24, 2014 7:04 AM

    The damage getting done to this planet by fossil fuel burning is a crime
    beyond everything ever done by mankind. The Amazon will burn and over 50%
    of all species will be gone, the Oceans will DIE and all in our lifetime
    and that is just the opening scene ….The reality of what is happening
    makes doomsday holy-wood movies look like romantic comedies.

    April 13, 2014 9:57 PM

    What? Weather Porn. Just count the sun spots.

    April 13, 2014 10:03 PM

    Oh mow many hurricanes did they predict? How many did they get? Case closed.
    So let talk Typhoons. Are there more in quantity and severity because of
    the massive amount growth of Antarctic Ice?

    April 17, 2014 7:43 PM

    “there is global warming its getting warmer we’re all going to die!” *next
    year* “there is going to be an ice age we’re going to die” that logic
    though <3

    May 12, 2014 5:25 AM

    LIE there is NO increase in heat the 30ies were a lot hotter.
    All other BS they are saying is called WEATHER.
    No warming for 17 plus years now

    May 12, 2014 5:25 AM

    LIE there is NO increase in heat the 30ies were a lot hotter.
    All other BS they are saying is called WEATHER.
    No warming for 17 plus years now

    rose smith
    rose smith
    May 15, 2014 11:27 PM

    I guess they forgot some of the super hurricanes from the 30’s just watched
    the history channel and they had a severe hurricane in upper new England
    the winds were extreme houses collapse, etc, 890+ people died, now if you
    had told those people that global warming is happening they probably would
    believe it since they don’t know any better we only live a short time in
    geological time so we can easily be duped into just about anything when we
    lack enough knowledge about history. they are so desperate to prove man
    made warming they are basically fabricating information, they are paying
    people to blow the normal weather out of proportion to reality, droughts
    may ormay not be spreading but politics and wars have more to do with that
    then climate change. people may be starving in the world but that is
    because of politics and greed not climate. controlling markets increase
    inflation, makes it appear food prices are going up due to shortages that
    are caused by climate change the reality is food shortages are artificial
    due to environmental controls by gov tokeep supply low to keep prices high
    where do you think gov gets all that cheese milk butter grain from to give
    to foreign countries as aid? or to welfare recipients? they take excess off
    the shelves to keep prices high.many farms have been shut down to save a
    fish or a owl or a salamander or whatever. but they cannot tell you that
    they have to terriorize you into believing your life property and
    prosperity is a crime against humanity because your lifestyle is changing
    the climate.