Earth Under Water Worldwide Flooding Global Warming
In Earth Under Water we’ll see these events unfold as leading experts forecast how mankind will be impacted if global warming continues.
They’ll break down the science behind these predictions and explore ways humanity could adapt, including engineering vast dams near San Francisco, or building floating cities outside of New York.
IMDB Earth Under Water
Tags: 2010, Adaptation, Climate Change, Climate Science, Documentary, Earth, Flooding, James Hansen, Lester Brown, National Geographic, Peter Ward, Sea Level Rise, Stefan Rahmstorf, Video
Categories: Asia, Films, Sea Level Rise, United States, Video
- Kelly Graham on California: Millions on alert for fire conditions
- Suzanne Johnson on Biodiversity Restoration at Elings Park
- Chunter on Finland: Water towers booming, district heating with cheap electricity
- Jrussell on Trump’s executive actions on climate and the environment
- Jacqueline32 on Rapid improvement in electric vehicle reliability
FinalCut Pro License Fundraiser
About the Author: Chris Machens
Chris covers the climate since 2011, and when not posting articles to the site he usually works on our next video production.
I think we don’t have long left.
USA gets lots of snow and freezing.
UK are being flooded and it is too warm for snow.
Is this the end?
Apparently many planets in the Universe have gone through this. From
‘Natures and Natural Disasters”, a teaching of the New Message: “eventually
humanity will have to outgrow its adolescent emphasis on growth and to
focus on stability and security as its primary focus. This is what all the
races in the Universe evolve to do. They go through their stages of growth,
which usually leads to a kind of overreaching of their resources, sometimes
even to destroy civilizations. But eventually they have to determine how
they are going to be stable within their environment.”
An icecube in a glass of water does not make the water go up. People are so
This is so sad. Rich people might have to move…so sad.
Do the simple math. Some sects of pagan belief they are above the laws of
nature with no respect for the rest of us not sharing the same barbaric
belief: to fuck as many females possible to expertgate their baby vermin
into the world. They grow up feeling entitled to do the same. We must
institute neutering and female chemical castration. So blow loads while you
can in your favorite bitch that you blithtly stuff into sacks for your man
creme. These scumbag Muslim and CHRISTAIN catholic sects of apocalyptic
revelation prophesy that this is GOD’s Will. REALLY?! Now I’m really not
buying into this insanity so peddle your DOGSHIT to another infidel …
Non-believers ad heretics unite. Sharpen your scrotum scrapers. ITS TIME
for taxation of the sperm Boyes .. Liberate the woman!!
Why does it matter? We’re all gonna be gone by the time this happens. So
why even watch or worry about this?!?
IF anyone cares, seas started rising about 20,000 years ago. And much
faster than today. SO relaxxxxx…. It’s NOT new.
Lets add this to our current challenge Egypt, under snow…LMAO
just make a sky city and cool stuff like that done
I have an idea…
rather than building walls around every country and spending over 500b
dollars. why not go build perfect thick walls around antartica it self,
this will also prevent us from wasting that amount of cash, obviously if we
are close to the antartica and if we are building the walls close by, we
will be expecting very high walls of ice. making a wall behind another wall
and behind another, would not be a bad idea i mean think about it. of
course if we build long and straight walls no matter how many there is they
will fall, so instead making 20 – 45* degrees slanted walls which are
looking towards the melting ice will make it more stable and by adding long
rods of steel in between each wall that acts like arms that keep the walls
together and in the same place *force pushing force*. and yes the first
wall cannot be a slanted wall of course so making a cylindrical wall at
first and making a slanted wall behind it plus using steel rods will keep
it in place far longer. this way we will have time *trying* to freeze the
ice too.
i know this is not perfect but from one idea, many other ideas emerges. =)
This is some scary stuff. But if you think about it, most people today will
either be dead or elderly in the year 2100, so I don’t think there is much
to worry about for our generation.
so what about a million years ago when the earth obviously heated up.
people werent on earth then. every planet in the solar system are heating
up also…..
This shit is true..
From industrial era we have been increasing the heat of the environment
exponentially. With globalization we have intruded into the night cycle
and have obstructed natures functions to conserve certain energy to matter
ratio. The time given to earth to recoup is drastically reduced. Any man
with little sense can tell we are heading to man-made destruction by double
edged sword of fire and flood; unwinding and winding force of nature. The
increasing fire will create more fire. It will eventually upset O2 to CO2
ratio. Life then will wither like leaves. Earth reaction causes
flood/snows, earth quakes and volcanic eruptions. Inducing ice age. These
documentaries below speak a future. The article end of them gives hope for
the world provided we awaken quickly to take guard of earth.
Earth Under Water – Worldwide Flooding | Sea Level Rise (SLR)
Global Warming or a New Ice Age: Documentary Film – Global Warming or a New
Ice Age: Documentary Film
I think time to study how to build cities under sea water become more and
more imporant! At least for future generation, they will have homes to live
and stay ~
I love floating cities concept ~ Pretty coool ~
Thanks for sharing ~
could a robotic factory that makes ice be built in the coldest place on
earth ? can people start putting up water tanks to keep sea levels normal ?
what about under ground tanks ? if you put large amounts of water in hot
deserts ?, would that keep the earth cooler ?
What is important is to realize is that the principle cause exist in
upsetting energy to matter ratio in favor of energy which lead to huge fire
and destruction of forest. Earth react to this unwinding by heat by winding
leading to increased flash flood/snows, earthquake and volcanic eruptions.
All this would upset O2 to CO2 ratio and life would wither like fish in a
pond with no oxygen
So, Uh I guess Australia just drowns? Its Not mentioned once… lol
Ve ry interesting
I just screwed up by science I understand it
but……………………….. holy shit.
You may not be around anymore but you children and your grandchildren will.
It seems incredibly selfish of us to let them inherent this problem we
This movie is stupid. A hundred of years of growing sea level is like at
least 3 to 4 generations. People can adapt quickly so there is no problem
to move all the main city services towards inland. Think about changes in
Detroit. How quickly the city grew and how it felt down. There will be no
revolution but evolution. Revolution happends within a year not within a
century. The whole material is pointed to threat spectators and prepare to
spend a lot of public money for infrastructure, which is not needed. Is it
booked by “environmental protectors”, who makes a huge amount of money on
CO2 quotas.
Learn to swim.
The end is over population and climate change. 666 is a crock of BS
Apart from loosing vast areas of food producing land, sea rise wont be the
end of the world and the human population is in dire need of thinning out.
However, I haven’t been able to find any reasonably firm information on
methane clathrates, the unknown factor that could render the planet
uninhabitable by the vast majority of species and make all this optimistic
talk of being able to adapt to sea rise a complete fantasy.
Things that are not mentioned as money seems to be generated above all
else, ignorance is not bliss, try going up another 800 feet above sea
level, yea sure you have sea level rise couple feet not a big deal, you
have weather changes right now loss of under water thermo flows changes in
jet streams, someone mentioned plate movement, also an ice cube in a glass
of water, well plates can flex what’s under the plates magma, water is
pressure, are the worlds volcano’s coming to life “yes”. magma is being
pushed from the plates under the ocean, also you have land stretch weak geo
spots around coastal areas, were seeing islands sinking, coastal areas
sinking, plates can go up and also they can snap break off, so the ice cube
in the glass has no relevance, where’s Atlantis located under the ocean
entire ancient cities went under in tact the plate they were on went down,
some plates went up, like Göbekli Tepe is an actual sea port or use to be
now sits 1200 feet above sea level, sand is the marker of glacier movement
and grinding of rock. Why-> post glacier rebound, what currently melting->
glacier ice the land will rise and land will fall. What’s water attracted
to “salt” where is salt located fault lines in those big salt domes they
been carving out filling them with oil and gasses and old radiation stock
piles or they run under cities towns across major infrastructure. Magma and
water are volatile once the salt is gone and starts getting into the faults
You have since 2000 the beginning of high warm periods approx 200+ gigatons
of ice melt, gigaton is a billion units, that’s a lot of water since water
never leaves this planet where else does the excess water also go?
“weather” it goes into the weather what type of storms are we seeing “super
storms” they better add a few notches to gauges of storms, now that the
cycle of weather is off your going to see mega storms being produced what’s
on the coastal areas, would that be nuclear reactors just like Japan!! 150
mile dead zone. Earth quakes, sink holes lots of them too!
Don’t worry just a couple of feet of water
well. good luck us and uk and denmark and other countries
What I see today nobody can stop humans
the truth is our land is decreasing but people are increasing..
Why do people think that they are somehow important to the Planet, and the Universe? All of this is a crisis for humanity, and we’ve had a good run, so what’s to complain about? Eventually the sands of time will erase all we know, or think we know, and people will be no more…. So if disagreeing and arguing is what it finally comes of the effort to extend and improve our environment, then we’re no brighter than any other helpless spicies on Earth, and we’ll deserve whatever we get.
I’m not worried, I packed my water wings…
We as humans will have to find a way to evolve through this. Only because the lack of understand what you are not told not to do.. The result Nature evolving faster than expected. Science does have a need to lie about facts, especially if you are looking at it each and every day.
It is just sad the individuals in society who have to pay for the idiots mistakes due to greed.
The Lord Jesus will return to Earth one day! The Risen Saviour, who died on
a cross to save all of humanity from the penalty of sin will return to
reclaim his own children who have accepted him as their Lord and saviour.
He will rapture (take up into the air to meet him along with others who
died believing in him) everyone who lived believing in him.
This is fucked up! LIES!!!!
As some LongDong wisely says below, it was warmer 130,000 years ago than it
is now and warmer just a few million years ago than it’ll be in 2100, and
none of the major cities were inconvenienced at that time, office work
proceeded per normal. And there was nature too, lots of nature.
I hate these stupid programs. The elephant is in the living room and they
pretend “what elephant?” Gee, do you think the fact that there are 7.2 out
of control human beings on this planet might have something to do with it?
Huh, do ya?
LOL the guy just let the cat out of the bag when talking about San Fran.
The whole GW thing is about that. Scare the masses into thinking they will
drown if they don’t spend billions on walls to stop the water so they don’t
Scare tactics at best.
Let’s see, Miami, New Orleans and New York disappearing, not such a bad
thing. LOL
Floating houses. We’ve been doing that for almost 200 years in Louisiana
Why is it that my beach front property has the same water line as it did
20+ years ago? We have not had to add or delete any of our pier. The water
marks are still the same.
If this is so, then why can’t I see the difference?
Very simple, IT IS NOT CHANGING!!!!!
I allow mother nature to take care of my sandy beach. She takes sand away,
she brings sand back. A storm takes it out and the tides bring it back.
Global warming is a hoax in all was.
We humans can NEVER produce as much pollution as any 1 volcano in a million
This is fake dont listen to them!
How do you convince someone that they are “doing something wrong” and get
them… to change? to take notice? to consider? to look at the data? To
Acknowledge that… a problem exists, the data or information surrounding
the concept is legitimate & or truthful, and decide to take action
for a healthy outcome. ?
The majority of us cannot create a Documentary style argument for every
problem that comes along, discuss at the kitchen table(so to speak), and
come to an agreement to affect a change because…
The majority of us don’t have the time needed to affectively judge incoming
information to be truthful, agree to what is morally right, and to
ultimately contribute to an agreed solution. The majority of us are
trapped. Trapped in the meaning that The majority of us are forced to spend
our time working to survive while many of the Rich & powerful scheme to
keep The majority of us working to survive without having the time needed
to Judge their intentions and do the right thing should they be judged as
doing something wrong and unhealthy.
So where does this leave us?
I don’t have all the answers because I don’t have the time to investigate
so please debate, communicate effectively, consider the big picture, and
make changes for the better. For If someone refuses to engage then what can
you do.?
Only time
Moronic eco-socialist agitprop!