The 1st Issue of Climate State

Published On: May 30, 2013


No progress for electric transport, no emission cuts and then after hurricane Katrina, i started to blog and self-education became a requirement.

In order to understand everything you had to put the puzzle pieces yourself together. The group of people who feels that the climate change we create is bad, seems to be the growing majority.

Still, the media does a horrible job to communicate science, often downplaying important findings, echoing denier talking points or even offering deniers to discuss the science with Scientists. Giving the impression that the other side has a sound argument (This image sums that up).

Professor Schellnhuber from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, compared the treatment of earth atmosphere – to playing russian roulette, only with less bullet chambers. “What could possibly go wrong?”

The MIT put it this way, imagine we use a roulette wheel with a 90% probability range of 3.5 to 7.4 degrees – concluding “climate change odds much worse than thought”. And that was back in 2009 and we know today that many findings even underestimate impacts and rates of change or the fact that they did not account for Methane in their calculations.

The scope of Climate State is to present an overview of the broad spectrum of climate research and the climate progress.

Climate Change a National Security Threat, Calls for Emissions Reductions

Playing God with the Climate



Real Climate


Producer Chris Machens
Editor Ben Simon

Includes content / contributing writers

  • Dana Nuccitelli / Skeptical Science
  • Rasmus Benestad / RealClimate
  • Ted Scambos / NSIDC
  • Carl Franzen / The Verge
  • Bill McGuire / UCL
  • Clive Hamilton / CAPPE
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About the Author: Chris Machens

Chris Machens
Chris covers the climate since 2011, and when not posting articles to the site he usually works on our next video production.
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