Bill McKibben on the Carbon Bubble, Fossil Fuels

Published On: December 3, 2014

From Bill Mckibben’s acceptance speech for the Right Livlihood Award […]

From Bill Mckibben’s acceptance speech for the Right Livlihood Award in Stockholm.

ClimateCrocks: Above, Bill Mckibben accepts the Swedish Parliament’s Right Livelihood Award, known as the “alternative Nobel” prize.
He describes signs of a rising global movement on climate, and the fraying edges of the Fossil Fuel front.

The gas tax has been fixed at 18 cents for two decades. Now would be a great time to raise it

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About the Author: Climate State
Climate State
Climate State covers the broad spectrum of climate change, and the solutions, since 2011 with the focus on the sciences. Climate State – we endorse data, facts, empirical evidence.
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