Global Warming by Latitude Zone (1880-2022)

Discover the non-uniformity of global warming through this informative visualization! See how temperature changes vary across latitudes since 1880. Learn how the Arctic is warming at an alarming rate compared to other regions on Earth. Explore temperature anomalies based on NASA data relative to a base period of 1951 to 1980. Watch now at

Post Author:

Chris Machens

Date Posted:

April 18, 2023

Global warming isn’t uniform around the planet. This visualization shows global temperature changes per latitude zone from 1880 to 2022, illustrating that the Arctic is warming much faster than other regions on Earth.

Discover the non-uniformity of global warming through this informative visualization! See how temperature changes vary across latitudes since 1880. Learn how the Arctic is warming at an alarming rate compared to other regions on Earth. Explore temperature anomalies based on NASA data relative to a base period of 1951 to 1980.

These changes, called “anomalies” (how much warmer or cooler something is compared to an average), are defined relative to a base period of 1951 to 1980 and are based on NASA data.

About the Author: Chris Machens

Profile photo ofchris
Covering the climate for Climate State since 2011. Peter Sinclair noted in 2017, "Climate State has been doing an absolutely amazing job of providing a useful historical archive of important experts warning on climate issues through past decades."
Tags: , (2023)
Categories: 2023, Climate Change, Temperature(2023)
Views: 324(2023)
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