Poland wants to replace Coal with Nuclear Plants

Published On: September 6, 2021

Poland announced in 2020 a long term plan for phasing out coal by 2049.

Poland announced in 2020 a long term plan for phasing out coal by 2049.

Coal has become increasingly expensive to mine in Poland, the industry now relies on government subsidies, taking nearly all of the annual €1.6 billion government energy sector support.

While wind power contributes about 9% of energy generation in Poland, new plans to replace coal – eye nuclear power.

Poland wants to build a few GE-Hitachi BWRX-300 SMRs – small water cooled reactors near the shores of the Baltic Sea – in 460 km distance to the German capitol, Berlin.

Nuclear energy creates nuclear waste and the danger of a possible accident. An accident has the potential to devastate nearby regions, particular accessible through the Ocean, rivers or by air.

Coastal water-cooled Nuclear Power Plants in Poland with Climate Change

The following impacts may affect the environment, the functionality and the security of Poland’s nuclear reactors.


Teaser image via NRC.

About the Author: Chris Machens
Chris Machens
Chris covers the climate and extreme weather, and when not posting articles to the site he works on our next video production.
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