It’s the year 2018

Published On: December 31, 2017
172 words
Views: 540

What is the purpose of our existence, if not to hold it accountable for the future?

Climate State in 2018

Expect continued coverage of the climate crisis on our facebook page, at twitter, and on YouTube. However, we are likely to post less video content at YouTube for a couple of reasons, including the unreliability of YouTube, it’s not really rewarding, compared to the time invested, even with ad-revenue, and we plan something totally differnt, another project completely unrelated to the climate.

We hope that Amazon will launch a competitor to the YouTube monopoly.

You are awesome

Thanks to Bob Bristow you can read daily climate news on our facebook page, thank you Bob!
Thanks to all our Patreon‘s which help to keep us going!
Thanks to all the people who helped us become the world’s largest climate focused YouTube channel, over 18.000!
Thanks to all the people around the world who are interested in climate coverage!
Thanks to all the people who reduce their carbon footprint!

Cheers guys! Here 2018, let’s go, be dragons!


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About the Author: CLIMATE STATE

Climate State covers the broad spectrum of climate change, and the solutions, with the focus on the sciences. Climate State – we endorse data, facts, empirical evidence.
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