Spencer Weart: The History of Climate Science (2013)

Published On: April 13, 2017

On the history of climate science, with the scope on the public perception.

Spencer Weart (Director Emeritus, Center for the History of Physics, AIP), outlines the history of climate science, with the scope on the public perception.

AGU Chapman Conference on Communicating Climate Science: A Historic Look to the Future
08 June 2013 — 13 June 2013, Granby, CO, USA

Session: Perspectives on Communication of the Climate Science I
Abstract Title: History of Relations Among Climate Scientists, Policy-makers and the Public in the 20th Century


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Climate State
Climate State covers the broad spectrum of climate change, and the solutions, since 2011 with the focus on the sciences. Climate State – we endorse data, facts, empirical evidence.
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