Tags: 2014, Climate Policy, Senator Whitehouse, United States, Video(2023)
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About the Author: Chris Machens
Chris covers the climate since 2011, and when not posting articles to the site he usually works on our next video production.
Fascinating subject. Please provide links to supporting documents with
complicated presentations like this. The nature of the beast (sic) is
breathtaking, but this speech falls flat, probably because of the lack of
audience to play to.
Thank you for sharing. Please don’t stop telling us about it, but you might
want to take some hints from Bernie Sanders on fire-breathing delivery.
Great exposé of these sludge-pedalling criminals. We need reward money to
get whistleblowers to come forward with the specific evidence of “quid pro
quo”s: the favors done for bribes received. These scumbags make the Enron
creeps look like angels.
Hi Mike, try this
Let Eli google
that for you
Put the denialist on trial for crimes against humanity!
Fantastic and crystal clear speech! Its time to reel in the heads of the
denial hydra and put them on trial for crimes against humanity.
I agree!
“February 4, 2014 – In this speech, Senator Whitehouse reveals the
‘carefully built apparatus of lies’ constructed to deceive the public about
the reality of climate change.”
It is as plain as the Carbon pollution in your lungs ! So, Lets try some
Biochar Sequestration payments to “offset the cost” of every ton of Carbon
emissions in the Air !
Thank you so much Senator for being so brave and honest. God bless you.
He is right!
One person smoking in a room; 50 people smoking in a room; according to
climate deniers there has been no change caused by people. 7,000.000,000
people have and continue to have a major effect on this room we all live
in, earth’s atmosphere.
Denial that stops action IS a crime against humanity. It’s too bad they
can’t go back in history and undo their years of obstruction. Instead
they’ll go down in history as working against all Humanity. But it won’t
matter, because by the end of this century life will be so desperate no one
will have the leisure to look back at what led us there, at who was
responsible for making sure we wrecked our own species’ existence. Sad.
Sen . Whitehouse, BRAVO. Keep it up!
You want to find the beast, you need to look no further than the Koch
brothers and the multitude of thinktanks they donate to. None of these
think tanks do research, All they do is propagate disinformation.
Time to Wake Up: The Climate Denial Beast
‘A deliberate, complex scheme of lies and propaganda”
February 4, 2014 – In this speech, Senator Whitehouse reveals the
“carefully built apparatus of lies” constructed to deceive the public about
the reality of climate change.
Posted February 13, 2014
I think people are slowly awakening. Reality is asserting itself.
haha what a conspiracy nut. No amount of “lobbying” would make the air temp
datasets show a ~15 ~17 ~12 year temperature slow-downs. I don’t like big
energy companies but they don’t even have to create any denial.. data
speaks for itself. Isn’t it cold enough for you USA?
I’m curious what people think and thought more people need to see this???
Thank you Congressman. It is astounding the lies and misdirection put into
the denials for deception. But it is made easier by a population that wants
to believe that they are not responsible for the problems they are helping
to cause. It is tough to step up and admit that we are helping sink our
own ship. That is always a hard sell.
Funny how all this secret money that you cannot provide documentation for
was able to prevent temps from climbing for the last 17 years.
The Unabomber has more class than the average Climate Alarmist.
If you are not he most embarrassing Senator, you are certainly in the top
3. You’re conspiracy ravings make you sound like a barking moonbat. How did
you reach your present age without accidentally killing yourself?
This is SUCH an important video, please take the time to watch it!
Time to Wake Up: The Climate Denial Beast
Whitehouse, say the same things about the foul “profession” of lawyering, &
I’ll believe you.
You have described lawyering in the video.
“The only thing worse than a lawyer is a lawyer who becomes a judge.”
“A judge is a whore become a madam.
Thanks for having the courage!!
Clear and concise review of how corporations will stop at nothing to
control the debate on how industries affect our environment.
No warming for 18years…wow, the only lies are from the warmists, who are
getting angry that their end of the world religion/money scam is being
exposed by our stubborn climate, that refuses to follow their script of
doom and hellfire! Morons…
Kudos to a brave man, speaking out against the throng.
Whitehouse is a scumbag lawyerfish.
HE knows that HIS corrupt extortion racket milks their own clients.
He rose through the corrupt legal scam.
HIS “profession” is the original distortion game.
Here is is telling the truth, BUT WE CAN’T BELIEVE HIM BECAUSE HE IS A
We are all dead from methane.
Our lying species is finished.
February 4, 2014 – In this speech, Senator Whitehouse reveals the
“carefully built apparatus of lies” constructed to deceive the public about
the reality of climate change.
Thank you Congressman, it is the lilfe of milions on the stake, thanks
from all of us around the world.
For more detail go to – Media Lens website – and click on the February 24th
2014 article ‘The Fateful Collision – Floods,Catastrophes And Climate
Denial.’ For how the deniers fund their crap,scroll to ‘Breaking The Back
of The Beast.’