Melting Point Greenland
In the summer of 2012, one of the most vital ecosystems on earth, the Greenland ice sheet, experienced a meltdown that alarmed scientists the world over.
Greenland is an island encased in ice and it’s the world’s second largest ice sheet after Antarctica. That summer, ninety-seven percent of the surface ice melted. “Melting Point” is a comprehensive examination of this event. The 2013 National Headliners Award First Prize Environmental Reporting.
Videographer Snorre Wik shot the footage under tough conditions—hauling around 1,000 pounds of gear by helicopter, by SUV (on Greenland’s mostly dirt roads) and out on a thinning ice sheet made treacherous by the sun. His efforts were both breathtaking and disturbing. Additionally, Jens Christiansson is responsible for filming the destruction of the Watson River bridge. Marco Tedesco and his team of researchers filmed the moulins and ice cap during the record meltoff.
More Info Climate State
- Abrupt Climate Change In The Arctic (And Beyond) An Update
- Scientists Measure Bubbling Sounds of Melting Glaciers
- Exceptional 2012 Greenland Ice Melt Caused By Jet Stream Changes
- Richard Alley on Greenland (2013)
Greenland Goes Green: Ice Sheet Melted in Four Days PBS
Marco Tedesco‘s scientific site on Greenland melt, including data, maps, plots, discussion, and scientific literature.
National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) Get satellite images and information about surface melting on the Greenland ice sheet.
August 28, 2013 Greenland’s surface ice melt season reached a peak in late July, coinciding with a period of very warm weather. Greenland’s melt season this year will be closer to average than was 2012, with far less melting in the northern ice sheet and at high elevations. Nevertheless, an all-time record high temperature for Greenland may have been set in 2013.
The Danish Arctic research institutions present updated knowledge on the condition of two major components of the Arctic: The Greenland Ice Sheet and the sea ice
NOAA Arctic Report Card has been issued annually since 2006. It is a timely and peer-reviewed source for clear, reliable and concise environmental information on the current state of different components of the Arctic environmental system relative to historical records. The Report Card is intended for a wide audience, including scientists, teachers, students, decision-makers and the general public interested in the Arctic environment and science.
2013 Greenland Ice Sheet
About the Author: Santimvah

- Chris Machens on Study: Earth’s strongest ocean current is slowed by melting Antarctic ice
- Bob Bingham on Study: Earth’s strongest ocean current is slowed by melting Antarctic ice
- Vbell on Collision Course: 3-degrees of warming & humanity’s future
- Richards Adele on Collision Course: 3-degrees of warming & humanity’s future
- Bob Bingham on Artificial intelligence generated a video highlighting Sea Level Rise
Thank you very much for watching!
Amazing ! You sir are a Rock Star !
Great documentary on Greenland. Thank you so much!
*Learn* more about the world you live in.
Beautifully done!
Whoa, scary reference to the Titanic.
uploaded on 21st december 2012
thank you!
thank you!
thank you!
thanks, bro! Happy 17th!
And Happy 17th to you sir :D I will be shooting a wedding this saturday so
I won’t be able to do the Caderock park meeting
scarey stuff.
Thanks for posting this vid.. very educational…
They say that they want an iron mine but you can sure bet that they are
look for something else… With all the scrap iron in the world why build a
mine in Greenland?.. I would not trust that company.. Their geologist have
found something more lucrative..
great doc, really hope to visit here in the next couple of years. i’m even
looking to living there for a year and maybe teach kids english or
something for work
i do think that some drilling could be great for greenland economically,
the world’s future could depend on what greenland has to offer for oil. but
i do agree it has it’s downfalls when it comes greenland’s nature and all
gold and diamonds. canadian north full of it.
are you from Greenland?
The news documentary Melting Point, by Snorre Wik, nominated for a National
Emmy Award
It is so highly important that we realize that the earth is constantly
changing. It is , yes, very cyclical and the earth is part of a dynamic
changing orbisphere. We can no longer think of it as part of mans diong any
more than we can think we have a thing to do with the changing tectonic
plates that cause mass destruction, tsunamis, pyroclastic flows that
deposit huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. We are not that capable
of changing what already has started millions of years ago!
Yes Rich, the earth is changing and this time it is us who are changing it.
Do a little research with an open mind and you might be surprised what you
find out…
what does beer cost in greenland
I think you are thinking of the Antarctic.
You do realize that there have been 12 meltdowns in the past, long before
the human race ever existed, right? It’s a normal process. Research it! Man
made global warming is a myth! We are still technically in the ice age!
i’m all for the earth warming up. no more cold winters.
Oh please, come over to southern Middle East and you might change your mind
you guys got great weather, sunny every day. too hot? small price to pay
for everyday blue skies. i would just put on my shorts and sandals and turn
on the aircon
important story, great cinematography. thanks for doing this.
total bunch of total bullshit ! turn on the BULLSHITOMETER ! BULL SHIT! !
how sick I am of neurotic, obsessed, rigid eyed and hellishly ugly
american scientist women spread ing irrational panic on all kinds of
things – just because these ugly and greedy white ” science ” women they
have orgasm problems! they cant fuck and cannot BE fucked and let
themselves go in bed and THATS why they run around the world inventing
new THREATS wherever they step, to satisfy their needed modicum of DANGER
missing in their sad and festering beds at home . GLOBAL
WARMING has become their latest psychotic obsession in their mania to
save and dominate our world which they think is THEIRS. matterfact, in
2013 the ice caps on BOTH poles have practically DOUBLED compared to
2012 but about THAT they suspiciously now keep their big and rational
mouths SHUT. it has simply DOUBLED and THATS no GLOBAL WARMING at all. read
NASA studies, watch the satellite fotos and read anchorage newspapers
and GET INFORMED a bit. now, even if YOU say that a slight increase in
ice is no recovery, im telling you that a DOUBLING within ONE single
year is simply the end of all global warming nonsense talk. it hasnt
increased a meagre ten percent or so but has DOUBLED WITHIN ONE SINGLE
YEAR and THATS world COOLING and NOT warming. its all a rude bunch of
bullshit they keep lying to us with. i know that STALIN said : ” if the
theory and the facts do not match – then to hell with the facts !” and
THAT attitude is exactly what these evil mainstream science gun women
and wanky creep types with no balls keep whining along with -they are
a bunch of pseudo scientific STALINISTS posing as THE REAL THING and
pretending that THEY are the high priests of truth, just because their
divorced middle class parents were able to finance them university in
which unfortunately their stupid kids learned nothing but a bunch of
I was there this year, by ship and helicopter. Saw a lot. Incredible.
Scary. Am a geologist, etc. One contributor to ice melt not mentioned is
soot on ice increases absorption of solar rays. Yup, the white snow/ice is
graying, mostly due to coal and forest fires.
Don’t like sharing more commentary with morons (sorry you enlightened
Those who say that we are still in a ice age and that the climate change is cyclic are contradicting themselves. Because if we are in an ice age and the ice is melting then it means that the melting is caused by something else than nature. That leaves pretty much only humans.
this documental is very good. i learned a lot
I’m going to drive my car for no reason until the ocean is high enough to destroy NYC.
Why most environmentalists always live in the most expensive home and
flying around with private jet like Al Gore and blaming on gasoline?raise
more taxes?
check out greenlands lost squadron lost in wwII when these planes were recovered in the 90’s they were buried under 260 feet of ice
Ice loss in Greenland has been estimated at 93-191 giga-tons per year from
1992-2011. So, 1 gtn of ice = 1 km3 (cubic) of ice. Total volume of ice
mass in Greenland is about 5 million Km3. If we set the melt rate at 142 gt
per year, that is 0.003 % of its total ice mass, for the next 90 years, the
total loss will be 0.3% (by 2100). Furthermore, it will be totally melted
in 35,211 years. Catastrophic huh?
Furthermore, the melt rate of Antarctica and Greenland is about 1/24th that
of the Holocene Transgression which was ~ 10mm/yr for 10,000 years! Bottom
line is that we are no where near that rate. Much faster than anyone
predicted? Don’t think so, at least from a geological standpoint. Must
understand our past. Need to take another look at it.
Greenland sounds like a great place to live if you like the cold.
I believe the north ice is getting smaller but i also hear the south pole
is getting bigger. I would assume that would off balance the system. This
could be the natural cycle and eventually the north will get ice and the
south will shrink. I do still think we pump too much crap into the air and
waters though.
Thank you for sharing this. I’ve been showing this to my class of 8th
graders as we talk about how Greenland and Antarctica are barometers for
climate change. Not very uplifting but VERY important for our future
generations to see.
Greenland is set to get raped. And the moguls will drill, dig, and frack
the country to death then the ice will disapear and we all die. Yoopie
pass the deer sausage!
i think its great its melting. Nothing is forever and its time for a
change. Keep in mind that Greenland wasnt always covered in ice. Its time
some other country take Greenlands place.
very interesting documentary indeed :) This will help people understand more all about nature of our mother earth , as apart of this modernized world we should do our part of protecting it and preserving it for the next generation of human …….
Force Rush Limbaugh to stand on one of those eroding banks. The GOP are evil.
I hope it will rain or snow on the panet for like 8 months non stop just so I can see all u bitchis panic.
So Greenland is melting. What does that mean for the people of this earth? Changes you can’t imagine and not in 100 years but now. in California there has been 1.21 inches of rain in almost a year, less than most extreme deserts. The economies of all the country’s in the world will be affected and so will the wildlife. This isn’t God’s revenge like some think but the earths attempt to shake off a bunch of fleas who are poisoning her.
Everyone is fearing global warming for the retreating of the glaciers. For
the glaciers to stop retreating the Earth will have to have a constant
below freezing temperature above the 45th parallel year around, in other
words the United States would be part of the north pole. This is what it
took to make glaciers in the first place, freezing temperatures year around
which was known as the Ice Age. People are fearing the winter that the
North East is having this year and that we were in climate change because
of the green house gases.
Well let’s look at some facts!
Here is is Earth’s atmosphere
Nitrogen (N2) 780,840 ppmv (78.084%)
Oxygen (O2) 209,460 ppmv (20.946%)
Argon (Ar) 9,340 ppmv (0.9340%)
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 397 ppmv (0.0397%)
Neon (Ne) 18.18 ppmv (0.001818%)
Helium (He) 5.24 ppmv (0.000524%)
Methane (CH4) 1.79 ppmv (0.000179%)80,840 ppmv (78.084%)
With CO2 being less than 1 half of a tenth of a percent, there is no way it
can reach the levels to where it will start effecting temperatures. The
danger is plants and plankton need CO2 to survive. The people should fear
that the CO2 levels are too low.
All we are doing is witnessing the last of the ice age melting and people
are panicking. They would start to panic if the reverse were happening if
Iceland would remain below freezing year around. You can’t have winters and
summers and except the glaciers to remain the same. The earth is still
going to have it’s warming cycle and cooling cycle. We just happened to be
in the warming cycle, when the cooling cycle starts and Earth goes back to
the Ice Age then what happens? Come people common sense goes a long way in