HAARP Conspiracy theories conspiracy

Published On: June 22, 2013
549 words
Views: 653


0:01 “Sprinkler Rainbow Conspiracy”
(mirrored from “HAARP’s Rainbow Aerosol’s” (sic))

1:20 — HAARP details from Wired magazine

1:46 — Jesse Ventura’s “Conspiracy”

2:38 “On the onset of HF-induced airglow at HAARP” — Mishin et.al., Journal of Geophysical Research, 2004

2:44 “Magnetic Zenith enhancement of HF-induced airglow production at HAARP” — Pederson et al., Journal of Geophysical Research, 2003

2:47 Ibid.

4:03 http://www.posters-wanted.com/details…

4:57 — Department of Natural Resources, Ohio Seismic Network

5:03 – Ultra-long period seismic moment of the great December 26 2004 Sumatra earthquake and implications for the slip process” — Stein and Okal, Northwestern University
See also “Seismology: Speed and size of the Sumatra earthquake” — S Stein, EA Okal – Nature, 2005

5:06 — “Multiple CMT source analysis of the 2004 Sumatra earthquake” — Tsai et al., GPL 2005

5:08 – “The great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of 26 december 2004”
T Lay et al., Science, 2005

5:37 — 1960 Chile earthquakehttp://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquake…

8:10 – “Chemtrails – The ultimate proof – Leaked inside cockpit view”

9:08 — CORRECTION — zzyzx0788, who posted the Watergate comment, writes: I noticed you used one of my old comments where I mentioned Watergate, and I feel you may have used it out of context (though that may not have been immediately clear from that post alone). I went back and looked at the comment tree and from what I gathered my point wasn’t “Watergate happened therefore that validates all conspiracies” but rather in context of the discussion (which was about 9/11 conspiracy theories) was that Watergate was just a simple break in and yet didnt take long at all to be completely exposed (thus the “that didn’t take long” part of my comment) and that claiming that the Bush Administration plus several others have all managed to be tight-lipped about the most elaborate, convoluted plan in the history of mankind, and how ridiculous that is.
I just have a little gripe with that. I spent alot of time calling BS on conspiracy theorists, though it may not have been clear from that comment alone

9:30 – http://planet.infowars.com/technology…

10:09 — The ambulance route was explained at an inquest in November 2007 (http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2007/nov….) The ambulance driver, Michel Massebeuf, said that the ambulance was driven slowly under doctors’ orders, in order not to aggravate Diana’s injuries. The Pitie-Salpetriere hospital was chosen as the destination because it was best equipped to deal with her injuries. Of course, conspiracy theorists can choose not to believe this testimony, and they may be right, but that makes the conspiracy a matter of belief rather than evidence.

10:36 — An explanation of the well-publicized “Hide the decline” e-mail can be found in my video “Climate Change — Those hacked e-mails.”

14:55 — From the movie “911 In Plane Sight”

11:47 – http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001…

13:45 — “Dr. Kent Hovind’s Christian Answer for the NWO Part 1” on YouTube

16:23 — Gary Webb, who broke the story of the link between the CIA and Nicaraguan drug traffickers in the San Jose Mercury

16:43 — http://www.thevoicemagazine.com/blog/…

17:35 — Congressional draft bill HR 3200, 2009, p. 1193

17:48 – ‘Mandatory Microchip Implant For all Americans by March 23rd 2013″

18:04 — “Boston bombings conspiracy – what you are not being told!” on YouTube

CORRECTION: The Boxing Day tsunami was in 2004, not 2010.


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About the Author: Chris Machens

Chris Machens
Chris covers the climate since 2011, and when not posting articles to the site he usually works on our next video production.
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