Extreme Ice (2009)
Everywhere, glaciers and ice sheets have begun breaking apart, and accelerating towards the oceans at alarming speeds.
Tags: 2009, Cryosphere, Deglaciation, Ice Melt, James Balog, Jim White, National Geographic, Video
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About the Author: Chris Machens
Chris covers the climate since 2011, and when not posting articles to the site he usually works on our next video production.
Reading the comments of chaps below and thinking over other remarks from
Not good people wake up but it may already be to late. Our only hope then
is our God in the end he is our hope. So sad for them who may have to deal
with no snow and ice so many floods blisters on people plants can’t grow
Sky’s as highways don’t pay in the end. Go green do your part if not we may
all have to at the same time when it gets to bad. We need to find clean
ways to travel from here to there don’t be to proud to take a buss in the
end you will feel better.
(The Big Melt) .
#Fplanet #FPice #FPwater #FPclimatechange
Here is another video that shows the actual situation with the Ice caps.
The melting is happening faster and in different ways then people
previously thought. Watch this awesome video.
Man, you really need an education, but fat chance of that in the hole you
live in,lol. EVER been to the north pole, Iceland. Greenland? The
Antarctic??? NO, i thought so:/ I HAVE:/ Ever studied climate science at
enough capitals for ya moron,lol
I’m not saying the climate isn’t changing. But it’s nature as in sun,
volcano’s! All I’m saying is it’s nothing new and minuscule to do with
pollution. They were caught red handed, filtering out data that didn’t
support their skewed, political agenda’s designed to dissolve our
sovereignty as a nation and somehow pay politicians, etc. And that almost
happened at a foreign summit Obama attended years ago. But it was
circumvented by leaked, incriminating emails proving it was a literal
Were still winning then because were killing her first.
Oh ye of tiny minds:/
I know what’s happening, CAPTAIN CAPITAL! The point is, there were
political reasons to push “global warming”. We aren’t what caused the polar
caps to melt. It’s a cyclical phenomenon the sun goes through every 75
years or whatever it was. They were caught red handed covering up the fact
that this spike isn’t any different then the ones occurring for the past
500 years. How many cars you drive, light bulbs you use, etc, none of that
makes any difference. We were lied to. What’s new.
Why don’t they do a video on Medieval Warming period? oic…doesn’t fit the
AGENDA.. What about the Medvezhiy glacier in Tajikistan that advances 10 ft
a DAY? Big tenured science chaces big salaries/govm’t grants, What about
Holaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!
I want a snow cone now…
A great way to gauge how ice is – before tritium from nuclear fallout tells
you how old ice is.
Insults do not constitute proof of anything.
earth my baby will still be here long after we are gone FACT
Apparently you didn’t get the memo. When will the cattle realize that you
can’t trust the media? It has been debunked all along. They;re hand feeding
narrow minds just the bits they want believed and you’re believing them.
The fact is there is nothing unusual about spikes. not even this one.
They’ve been recorded for centuries. The whole thing is a scam to bilk
governments for billions and it mostly worked. Dependable American
ignorance. A powerful tool for the ruthless. 1stTry research BIGMOUTH
the only way people are willing to change their behaviors is when change
comes directly to their front doorstep. Only when man is staring face to
face with change does necessity kick in. Whatever our relationship with
change, it is certain reality that we will be dealing with our man made
mistakes in this millenium. I wish there were a mandate stating that all
children be educated to these issues, but….
Yes, scientists are lining their pockets, while oil companies are barely
making a living… (sarcasm). Global warming has not been “debunked” either.
The fact is you and more importantly the so called experts have absolutely
no proof whatever that we have any influence whatever on the so called
global warming.As i have said in another post the world has changed
massively counless times and not once were their humans on the planet.That
says it all and actually its you and your ilk who need educating as you
really are living in fantasy land.
Medieval warming period=pre-AlGore warming
Thousands of the worlds smartest people with Phds, who are experts in the
field of climatology, come to one conclusion, which is supported by
billions of data points and all the evidence. But you, an expert in
nothing, who is clearly completely ignorant of the science and the field of
climatology in general, are smarter than them? Do you know how stupid you
sound? It’s pathetic. News flash: Debate is long past over, global warming
is real, happening, and well understood. You sir, are a moron.
Unless Buu blows it up.
iam most positive that if mother nature wants to get rid of us she is doing
her best to get rid of us
Mate, its got EVERYTHING to do with OUR actions!!! Normal climate
variations are one thing. This is entirely different!! When the north pole
is disappearing rapidly, and huge chunks of ice are breaking off the south
pole, greenlands glaciers are going fast. This is NOT normal climatic
variations:/ WAKE UP!!!
I have researched, including visiting some glaciers!! YOU study harder
man!! Its happening, the tipping point has been reached, its all going to
go, and if you call a 60 meter sea level rise, and all it entails, a
“spike”,lol. I”d hate to see what YOU think is REAL trouble,lol
try spelling as well…..its multitasking
I still would like to know where the exact locations of the arctic poles
were during the time when Ancient Egypt had plentiful rain.
Yes ice melt/growth is cyclical. BUT, modern man is a new global variable
that is exacerbating the melt phase. It is ignorant to assume man lives in
a magical bubble and has zero effect upon the environment/globe. We have
drastically altered this planet on so many levels, some positive, some
negative. The question is what will the consequences be? We know massive
species die off for one.
AMEN to that:/