The Age of Stupid (2009)
Drama-documentary-animation hybrid starring Oscar-nominated Pete Postlethwaite as a man living alone in the devastated world of 2055, watching archive footage from 2008 and asking why climate change wasn’t stopped before it was too late.
Tags: 2009, Africa, BBC, Clean Energy, Dubai, Energy, Film, Texas, United Kingdom, Video, Wind Power
Categories: Africa, Clean Tech, Energy, Films, UK, United States, World News
- Kelly Graham on California: Millions on alert for fire conditions
- Suzanne Johnson on Biodiversity Restoration at Elings Park
- Chunter on Finland: Water towers booming, district heating with cheap electricity
- Jrussell on Trump’s executive actions on climate and the environment
- Jacqueline32 on Rapid improvement in electric vehicle reliability
FinalCut Pro License Fundraiser
About the Author: Chris Machens
Chris covers the climate since 2011, and when not posting articles to the site he usually works on our next video production.
The least these oil companies can do is build hospitals, schools and water
treatment plants in the communities they essentially ruin with their
operations. It is truly shameful that on top of all the environmental
damage they do, they just pick up and leave the residents in those
communities as high and dry as the wells. How do these CEOs sleep at
Oil companies are not just in bed with the government it is the government.
I’d say corporations are the government.
The Age of Stupid, I’d say the age of stupid egos and emotions.
leer saben no?
Eco-agriculture uses natural life processes to sustain and restore soils,
the water cycle, and sequesters huge amounts of carbon- if done properly.
Grazing/ browsing livestock *properly managed* are one of the best tools
for sequestering carbon in soils, whilst producing quality protein food for
people. See Allan Savory, Holistic Management International.
The inventor of the diesel engine warned about the dangers of air
pollution, and designed his engine to run on plant oils (oringinally peanut
oil). Look at the difference between the emissions from running diesel
engines on plant oils- and petroleum oil. The reason diesel engines are run
on petroleum? The oil industry was already incredibly powerful before the
turn of the last century.
parece que volvemos a la edad media pero sin una religión que no someta.
parece que volvemos a la edad media pero con armas de fuego. La religión en
la edad media, controlaba toda Europa, es la época obscura de la ciencia,
porque si te atrevías a decir que el planeta era redondo te torturaban,
ahora todo eso cambió, ahora nos somete la televisión, la hora excesiva en
las redes sociales , y gente que se cree poeta que ofende a Darío. Por
favor ayuden a que lean los jóvenes.
Eson te demuestra y corrobora el grado de inteligencia humano y el porque
de la situación actual que describe el documental….
oil is just a product that we want but has become a need like water
No es casualidad, el ser humano se condena.
this is the kind of shit i talk about in my videos some times
No existe en venta en mi país, México.
Muchas gracias, genio
Pretty accurate as to timing – should probably have emphasized more the
chaos and destruction that must occur as societies and ecosystems collapse.
Its has happened before naturally – 250 ma ago when 95% of all species on
Earth became extinct due to runaway warming among other things.
che, dejen de comentar pelotudeces!
Joder… y los hay cagados por que nos joda un asteroide tamaño
continental… sensillamente, si llega el “pedrusco”, no creo que consiga
algo vivo que matar…!!!
I like if they would have doblado al español, it is amazing, wonderfull.
It is not about hope.. it’s about act!.. hope is not going to solve all
this mess…
beautiful recreation of the big bang and evolution at the opening of the
movie. please, i need yor help to save the future.
muy buen doc como trata las distintas vidas que a la vez estan tan unidas
ya vaaa, ya vaaa, lo voy a compartir entonces el vídeo tendrá muchas más
visitas, puede que DOS más.
Nothing, there is no future for us.
Excelente película! reflexionemos!
Muy mala traducción, en algunas partes. :/ Pero es un excelente documental.
triste y cruda realidad. the world needs more airlines..
There’s no hope