Climate change morphing into an existential problem (2017)

Published On: April 12, 2017
158 words
Views: 619

There is a 50% probability for the planetary warming to cross the so-called dangerous threshold of 2C by 2050; and there is at least a 5% probability the warming can exceed a catastrophic 6C in about 80+ years.

Veerabhadran Ramanathan speaks about climate change in March 2017, at a joint event with the Oxford Martin School and the Oxford Climate Research Network (OCRN)

For the bottom three billion in rural areas, 20C would be enough to pose existential threats. With a 60C warming accompanied by 10 billion population, loss of bio diversity and species extinction, we should ask: whether civilisation as we know it can be extended beyond this century? Is there still time to avoid such catastrophes?

The answer is Yes. But, we need to reinforce the technological and the market-based solutions with societal transformation. An alliance between scientists, policy makers, religious institutions and health care providers has a good chance to bring the needed transformation.


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About the Author: Chris Machens

Chris Machens
Chris covers the climate since 2011, and when not posting articles to the site he usually works on our next video production.
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