UK Hammered by Climate Fueled Storms
Peter Sinclair (ClimateCrocks) published a new video, covering the recent unprecedented flooding and storm onslaught in Britain.
Peter Sinclair: I first interviewed Dr. Alun Hubbard on the edge of the Watson River in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland last summer. His vivid language and lucid storytelling made that video on of the most popular in the Yale Series. (see below)
Both Dr. Hubbard, and my Dark Snow Project cohort, Sara Penrhyn Jones, live in the tiny village of Aberystwyth, on the coast of Wales, and teach at the local university. I skyped with Alun a week or so ago in the midst of the storms hammering the area. Shortly after that he wrote me to explain that his roof had just blown off in hurricane force winds.
Sara was kind enough to shoot some video of the surf pounding the area, although not at the height of the storms, and she caught up with Hubbard long enough for a colorful and well informed take on a sentinel weather event.
I’ll cut together some of Aluns’ further remarks that did not make this video in the next day or so – see Hubbard’s Greenland interview below:
“RT:Floods making #climatesceptics hot under the collar #environment #climatechange #sustainability #renewableenergy“
just waiting for the dickheads who will insist nothing is happening. this
is climate change in action!
Lucky there is Great Britain in the way.
“when it subsides”?
¿La costa este no?
I have to say I was a bit annoyed at the repeated blame of UK weather on US
weather, like it was the US’s fault. Especially since the actuality is US
weather can be blamed on Indonesian weather. The string of cause and effect
goes further than across the Atlantic but across the Pacific too.
Of course in a way there is blame to be had for the EU and US and China
(the top 3 co2 and other greenhouse gas emitters) and others for the
weather problems. Since they are all contributing large amounts of
greenhouse gases. So if we want to put blame, lets blame the politicians
who are dragging their heels on the issue of Climate Change, and the
corporations who are funding the massive effort to deny Climate Change. It
is not one country over another, but the business interests who are
destroying the planet’s natural systems and causing $ billions in damages.
“We as a species have never experienced 400 parts per million of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere,” Guy McPherson, professor emeritus of
evolutionary biology, natural resources, and ecology at the University of
Arizona and a climate change expert of 25 years, told me. “We’ve never been
on a planet with no Arctic ice, and we will hit the average of 400
ppm…within the next couple of years. At that time, we’ll also see the loss
of Arctic ice in the summers…This planet has not experienced an ice-free
Arctic for at least the last three million years.”
For the uninitiated, in the simplest terms, here’s what an ice-free Arctic
would mean when it comes to heating the planet: minus the reflective ice
cover on Arctic waters, solar radiation would be absorbed, not reflected,
by the Arctic Ocean. That would heat those waters, and hence the planet,
further. This effect has the potential to change global weather patterns,
vary the flow of winds, and even someday possibly alter the position of the
jet stream. Polar jet streams are fast flowing rivers of wind positioned
high in the Earth’s atmosphere that push cold and warm air masses around,
playing a critical role in determining the weather of our planet.
According to current data, he estimates “with 95 percent confidence” that
the Arctic will have completely ice-free summers by 2018. (US Navy
researchers have predicted an ice-free Arctic even earlier—by 2016.
By the time a child born today reaches the age of 20 clean water and pure
food will be difficult to find right here in America. The polar ice cap
will be gone and summer temperatures will reach 130 degrees for months at a
time killing birds, animals livestock and people. There will be 9.3 billion
people on earth fighting for water to drink. Think about that before you
have kids.
Stop Having Kids. It took until 1830 for the first billion people on earth.
Now there are 7.4 billion people in 20 years there will be 9.3 billion
people. Global warming, fracking and other environment destruction will
make being alive hell. Don’t bring a child into this world to suffer. There
will be no peace and our garden of Eden will be altered forever. Because
of the ignorance of mankind, a child born today will witness the
destruction of civilization due to overpopulation, the destruction of our
ecosystem and the pollution of our environment. Wars will be common. Mans
existence will return to the times of the dark ages as a result. It is
possible man could make himself extinct in the process. Stop having kids.
A kid born today will have a terrible future
Blame Canada. :D
wow… I had no idea of the extent of the damage over there… this is
incredible. thank you for sharing this!
Don’t live on the West Coast of the UK? Be very very grateful.
#storms2014 #historicstorms #globalclimatechange
A fine video, except for the porno movie soundtrack.
meanwhile, the oceans rose a record inch 2011 thru 2013.
“…we had, I think, a 100-150 year storm in the first week of
January…then three weeks later we had another 100 year storm event…then
we had a 50 year storm a week ago last Saturday, and then yesterday,…we
had a hurricane come through…” Dr. Alun Hubbard #climatechange
Brits would blame there problems on U.S
well living was fun while it lasted…
Hmmm, let us be a little bit more realistic with history (from Belgium):
Storm flood 1014
Storm flood 1042
Storm flood 1134
Storm flood 1322
Saint Clemen flood 1334
Storm flood 1377
Saint Elisabeth flood 1404
Saint Elisabeth flood 1421 (and there was a third)
Cosma- and Damaniusflood 1477
Saint Felix flood 1530
All Saints flood 1570
Storm flood 1682
Storm flood 1703
January 14th, 1808: lots of deads with Storm Flood Westerschelde
August 16th, 1850: 6 drowned, Charleroi + Namur flooded
June 3rd, 1859: 14 drowned Amblève Valley flooded
May 1st, 1888: 19 men died from De Panne in spring storm Iceland (a total
of 165 fishermen drowned)
1894: Leie (Lys) en Schelde (Scaldis) flooded: higher level in
Kortrijk/Courtrai than ever after uptill now
May 17th, 1906: very heavy cloud-bursts, at least 10 people killed by
December 6th, 1909: 10 people killed in Blankenberg + Ostend by heavy storm
(one passenger on the quay)
(during War other topics in journals than storms – exception: gigantic
fishing result praws and fish at Zeebruges + Ostend; a lot of people think
it’s a miracle by God)
July 18th 1924: Heavy costal storm: 13 fishing boats thrown on the beach;
26 people killed on 3 (other?) fishing boats
December 3th till 6th, 1930: deadly mist in Valley of Maas/Meuse kills 67
people: after investigation fluor from industrial accident, combination
with windless weather conditions
1925-1926: heavy floods by melting of enormous quantities snow (indeed)
January 31th 1953: Heavy waterflood: unknow number of deads; Same in
England, lead to plans to ‘never again’
1976: inundation in Ruisbroek leads to Sigmaplan in Belgium
July 1980: Trafic on Maas/Meuse shut down after several flooding casualties
with deads
1987: 3 victims after flooding of the Bieme
1993 en 1995: flood of valley of Maas/Meuse
1998: submersion in Valley of Demer
2010: heavy november rainfall
On the other hand, now, January 2014: least particulates, not even one smog
alarm (no income for police) for Flandres (reason: Sun activity regained,
so more wind and no windless days/nights)
More rain?
I freaking love hubbard
Why does the Yale Climate Forum think it helps people to understand this
video if the commentary has to compete with a highly intrusive music track?
I live inland from Aber- and in autumn commenced a building project when I
joked it would all go to plan unless we had the wettest winter on record! I
recently joked [whilst trying to nail the roof down in the storm] that
summer may be the driest.
Climate change is really coming home- my home!
Does it matter whether global warming is due to man made or natural
causes? The devastating effects are still the same. It’s like wasting
resource and time arguing over whether the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant
disaster is cause by nature or by human negligence, the effects are still
the same. So if the elites, having access to think tanks and vast number
of scientists, have figured out that the environment is going to collapse;
and they are preparing by building underground cities and seed vault for
themselves using public tax money. Why aren’t the common folks taking
lesson from them, pool resources and do the same to prepare? It’s like
sitting around and watching Noah as he build his ark and not take the
hint. Just food for thoughts. This is a gathering call. For more info,
check out the “about” section of the Project channel.
————– I Book of Enoch 34:1-3
Planet X crosses in 2016, and
*CROSSED* by the planet… ¡¡..Save the *EARTH*…!!
*World Leaders* *REACT*..!!
Put your *DIGITAL SIGNATURE* by sharing this post. *A SHARE* = *A SIGNATURE*.
We need million signatures to shake the ruling and make them take action to
save the planet.
Historic Storms, Flooding U.K. West Coast
Historic Storms, Flooding U.K. West Coast
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[…] News round-up from February 2014 Ancient 5,000-Year-Old Forest Unearthed by UK Storms Flooding And Erosion Damage Across The UK – Aerial Footage UK Minister: Climate Change a National Security Crisis UK Hammered by Climate Fueled Storms […]