High Water Line: Sea Level Rise in Metro Miami
Local News reports make it clear that public officials, academics, every day people, and voters, are being confronted with the reality of Sea Level Rise in one of America’s most vulnerable metro areas, Miami.
Peter Sinclair (ClimateCrocks) explains: These clips point to the ways that South Florida’s rising seas are sinking in to the way people must begin to adapt. Meanwhile, for climate deniers, business as usual continues full speed ahead. Below, Google Earth flyover with added layers of Sea level rise.
And you thought “Eric the Viking” was just kidding.
Tags: Florida, Miami, Peter Sinclair, Sea Level Rise, United States, Video
Categories: Sea Level Rise, Video, World News
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About the Author: Chris Machens
Chris covers the climate since 2011, and when not posting articles to the site he usually works on our next video production.
Typical Miami… Everyone has had plastic surgery. Even the presenter :P
Soon (150 to 200 years) we won’t have to be concerned about hanging chads