Expecting the Unexpected: Abrupt Climate Change
Published on Feb 13, 2014 Senior Scientists discuss the potential for sudden disruptions of human and natural systems as a consequence of climate change.
Categories: Video, World News
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About the Author: Chris Machens
Chris covers the climate since 2011, and when not posting articles to the site he usually works on our next video production.
Another great video Peter!
How obvious will this problem have to be before the far right admits that
Al Gore was in fact right?
I have had heated discussions (no pun intended) with some of those
knuckleheads who, like the faithful, refuse to admit the evidence before
them no matter what.
The AGW deniers at this point continue to have their fingers firmly stuck
in their ears while screaming “I can’t hear you!”.
What aggravates me is that we COULD have done something tangible to address
the changing climate years ago.
But we failed because so many were politically corrupted and remain
scientifically ignorant.
By the time everyone finally gets it, it will be far too late.
It kinda already is. :(
Thanks for letting me vent.
You may be hearing more and more about the concept of “abrupt #climate change.” Abrupt climate change — a term and issue not often discussed even
among many climatologists just a few years ago — is getting increased
attention, in part stemming from a recent National Research Council report
on the issue.
If only the climate change deniers were right…
Sea level rise is starting to show up all over…….
By the time current children have children, there will be AT LEAST a 4-6
foot rise in sea level. 150 million people will be displaced at a 3 ft
rise. Electricity supplies are affected at a 4 ft rise. Help me promote
Solar Parking Lots. It’ll keep us moving (electric vehicles if you please)
while we accept and adjust.
We Must
Peter, the BBC wildlife report is from Norfolk, which is on the East coast!
You may be hearing more and more about the concept of “abrupt #climate change.” Abrupt climate change — a term and issue not often discussed even among many climatologists just a few years ago — is getting increased attention, in part stemming from a recent National Research Council report on the issue.
If I may be allowed to speak freely, I’m worried that these messages are falling upon deaf ears or at the very least preaching to the choir. I’ve looked at the number of views that these videos have garnered and I have to say 20,000 plus views is dismal. These are issues which could change the face of the map internationally let alone the physical damages to life and property that could result from this man made disaster playing out in slow motion. D News Science Friction video got more views in 1 day than the Permafrost A Ticking Time Bomb video got in 11 months!
If this isn’t a PR disaster on an epic scale than it surely isn’t a sign of success. I love these videos and I can’t wait for the next one you and your team produce, but I feel like I am not the kind of people you need to be reaching. If we wish to be the force that drives dramatic change in the world in which we live it seems prudent to have a modicum of public support and perhaps, better yet, outcry. Getting the public riled up properly can, perhaps, be achieved by framing the argument as a moral dilemma instead of a intellectual debate. I feel like the data is firmly on the side of supporting the existence of human produced climate change so perhaps the debate should also shift.
Just one man’s opinions. Thanks again for the great video. I hope to see more in the future!
We know from the geological record that abrupt climate change is the norm. What we don’t know is when or where that tipping point is for our current climate and what the end point stage looks like. We know the climate is changing. This is real and it’s affecting us now, today.
We know from the geological record that abrupt climate change is the norm. What we don’t know is when or where that tipping point is for our current climate and what the end point stage looks like. We know the climate is changing. This is real and it’s affecting us now, today.
Even though we are doomed, let’s keep fighting for truth until the end.
Scary stuff, excellent clip, thanks.
“Dr” Grette 4:22 claiming 1-2m sea level rise by 2100 is alarmist clap-trap. That won’t and can’t happen. To see ‘environmentalists’ crying crocodile tears over a dead bird in a natural storm is disgusting when those same people are building thousands of useless, expensive windmills that kill millions of birds, many of which are protected species; Wind Farms Destroy the Environment 1: WILDLIFE DESTRUCTION This latest effort by Greenman is (unsurprisingly) an offensive video full of total bullshit.
please lose the irritating music, unable to hear what is being said
1000frolly it’s not useful to call scientists names, you are a very silly troll, your sham rage is tiresome. Rather than blurting second hand rhetoric it would be better you look at data… Not the data served up by Murdochs dodgy newspapers, real data. NSW premier and denier Barry O’Farrell has instructed local councils to dismiss IPCC sea level rise predictions in order to maintain high property prices in risky areas. The Australian took up the the story and with a little cherry picking and dodgy maths concluded that the IPCC has overstated sea level rise by 10 times.
IPCC don’t do research, Deniers appear to be unaware of this. No problem, the CSIRO does do research. Sea level rise off the coast of NSW is 6mm per year and increasing… That’s double the global average… 600mm by centuries end presuming no increase in rate which there certainly will be. The O’Farrells of this world put local councils in a bind. They need to do due diligence because they have a duty of care to property owners who could sue them if they don’t include the latest intelligence and policies on SLR.
A ship of fools on this video
A Great Video. It is wonderful having scientists talking versus politicians and church groupies.
climate change is propaganda? go back and watch some more fox news and listen to some more rush fat fuck limbaugh or how ever you spell that asshole’s name. corporate fuckers are the only ones denying climate change because it will affect their profits.
We know from the geological record that abrupt climate change is the norm. What we don’t know is when or where that tipping point is for our current climate and what the end point stage looks like. We know the climate is changing. This is real and it’s affecting us now, today.
alarmist bullshit. yes all sorts of doom would occur if there was enough co2 in the atmosphere, but the alarmists have exaggerated their claims
This is a measured discussion that matches the peer reviewed literature that I have been reading. Those who think that this is some how extreme simply have not read science enough. The mass media has completely dropping the ball on this issue. This is the big issue of this hundred years!
Science is looking more and more like a pile of propaganda which denies itself ….astronomers point to whats happening to the solar system and the sun but climate science denies this data.
The Keystone XL Pipeline is a proposed 1,179-mile (1,897 km), 36-inch-diameter crude oil pipeline beginning in Hardisty, Alta., and extending south to Steele City, Neb. This pipeline is a critical infrastructure project for the energy security of the United States and for strengthening the American economy.
Along with transporting crude oil from Canada, the Keystone XL Pipeline will also support the significant growth of crude oil production in the United States by allowing American oil producers more access to the large refining markets found in the American Midwest and along the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Does it matter whether global warming is due to man made or natural causes? The devastating effects are still the same. It’s like wasting resource and time arguing over whether the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant disaster is cause by nature or by human negligence, the effects are still the same. So if the elites, having access to think tanks and vast number of scientists, have figured out that the environment is going to collapse; and they are preparing by building underground cities and seed vault for themselves using public tax money. Why aren’t the common folks taking lesson from them, pool resources and do the same to prepare? It’s like sitting around and watching Noah as he build his ark and not take the hint. Food for thoughts. This is a gathering call. For more info, check out the “about” section of the Project channel. We all have the freedom of choice, to either be like the grasshopper or be like the ants in the face of the coming environmental collapse.
CO2 is not the driver of our climate, the sun is, CO2 is a very precious
trace gas, of which we need more of, NOT less. Only a moron thinks CO2 is a
magical demon that can cause hot or cold, flood or drought!
Scary present and terrible future ahead if we don’t change our habits: care
for life instead of possessions.
PIGEONPSYCHOtic; the claims are not exaggerated, you’re in denial of
You don’t have to display you’ve a pigeon sized IQ in public. It’s simply
How DID you learn to type? Are you one of the ‘million monkeys’?
At least your get to die with the rest of us so babylon if you want to.
Your babblings make no difference at all, your opinions: useless. The
timeline has just been discovered to be much shorter. Some of us became
aware of its magnitude when the Russians reported their permafrost
melting…and their arctic ocean bubbling, but nobody who was building
climate models bothered to figure in the methane. OOPS!
Ah, the same old Students of Rat Entrails, +1000frolly and +pigeonpsycho,
seen over and over again on these YouTube videos. I say, there are people
out there deeply invested in companies and jobs and lifestyles which depend
upon using our collective atmosphere as a sewer for their products. 2% of
the Earth’s population is responsible for putting out 50% of the CO2, and
even fewer benefit from the proceeds of companies which do that. Just read
Exxon-Mobil’s report. *They* say their own scientists tell them climate
change is real and dangerous, and they expect a number higher than the mean
IPCC number by 2050, 6-7 degrees Fahrenheit increase. But they just don’t
believe the average American is willing to pay the increased energy costs
to avoid that, and, so, they say, their profits are safe, as are their
energy reserves.
the “Earth’s thermostat”? What is this — 1st grade?