Chris Hayes & Michael Mann: There’s Global Warming – And It’s Snowing

Published On: January 3, 2014
159 words
Views: 892

Chris Hayes from MSNBC talks to Michael Mann about global warming, deniers, and the season we call “winter.”

Chris Mooney in MotherJones:

1. Statements about climate trends must be based on, er, trends. Not individual events or occurrences. Weather is not climate, and anecdotes are not statistics.

2. Global warming is actually expected to increase “heavy precipitation in winter storms,” and for the northern hemisphere, there is evidence that these storms are already more frequent and intense, according to the draft US National Climate Assessment.

3. Antarctica is a very cold place. But global warming is affecting it as predicted: Antarctica is losing ice overall, according to the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. However, sea ice is a different matter than land-based or glacial ice. Antarctic sea ice is increasing, and moreover, the reason for this may be climate change! (For more, read here.)

Related It’s That Time Again. The Willful Ignorance of Right Wing Snow Trolling.


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About the Author: Chris Machens

Chris Machens
Chris covers the climate since 2011, and when not posting articles to the site he usually works on our next video production.
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    […] Chris Hayes & Michael E Mann: There’s Global Warming – And It’s Snowing […]

    11 years ago

    This “ship in the ice” story is making the denier rounds. It’s ironic
    because it only shows how uninformed they are. They don’t understand the
    difference between the volume of ice and the extent of ice. It’s actually
    the warmer ocean and wind patterns around Antarctica that has caused to ice
    to move out into the ocean were a summer cold snap was able to trap the
    ship. The deniers are having a ball because of the irony that the
    expedition was there to study climate change.
    To deniers: yuck it up fuzz balls while you can for soon your balloon will

    11 years ago

    It’s a downside to be able to get to the oil beneath arctic sea ice! Those
    reporters don’t think!

    11 years ago

    im in OZ (Australia)and it.s going to be +40c tomorrow 4th day in a row and
    in some places it’s +50c . this is the longest heat wave i have experienced
    in my 38 years and they just keep getting longer and hotter .

    Bernie Zelvis
    Bernie Zelvis
    11 years ago

    It won’t be long, the deniers will be along….

    11 years ago
    10 years ago

    I didn’t even realize that climate extremists still existed in 2014. I
    guess since global warming was proven to be a fraud, they are now claiming
    that cooling is caused by c02? Talk about trying to have it both ways…the
    only constant is change on planet earth.